IMAGINE THIS: I swoop in all fairy-godmother like, show you how to give your intuition the benefit of the doubt, arm you with proven strategies for stepping into your role as an authentic leader, and help you get back in touch with those things that bring you joy and pleasure.

That all sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? And yes, it’s completely within the realm of possibility.

Because when you wrap yourself UP—in self-love, exhilaration and a “yes-I-can” attitude—you’re able to unwrap your superpowers, make profound changes in your life, and share your gifts with others. Me? I’m here to help you do just that.

I want you to:

  • Throw some duct tape over your inner critic and start ruling your gifts, so you can be an authentic leader in every facet of your life
  • Tune in to what fires you up and turns you on most—and shuck the guilt that comes from spending your time, energy and moolah on them
  • Get really clear on who you are, what you’re meant to be doing with your life, and why it matters to you on a soul level (hint: your “calling” isn’t as elusive as you may think)

Ready to get this party started? (You didn’t forget the wine, did you?)

Here’s how you can work with me:

confidence-coachingWhen you get in your own way, that promotion, speaking opportunity or dreamy love connection may seem more far-fetched than Brad Pitt asking you out for sushi. (We can still hope.)But here’s the thing: Confidence is a learned skill. Once you feel cashmere-comfy in your skin and start trusting your instincts, you stop caring about what everyone else thinks and live life on your own terms. And all those self-limiting fears and habits that stop you from getting what you want? Out the window. Whoosh.I’m here, as your partner in fierce living, to remind you that you’ve got this—and it’s time for you to value your strengths (and be enlightened by your weaknesses). Together, we’ll pave the way for gutsy, passion-fuelled action. And send your self-sabotage packing for good.

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life-coachingYou deserve to be passion-driven, not just career-driven. As a busy professional, I’m not surprised that you find it near impossible to clock-out for singing class or morning meditation hour (especially when you’re standing smack dab in a tornado of expectations—have to get groceries on the way home, supposed to do that favour for a colleague, geesh this is the third night in a row I’ve ordered takeout, did I remember to reschedule my hair appointment for Saturday?).You can’t serve others on an empty tank. Period. When you gain clarity on what really matters to you, the stress of your mile-long to-do list melts away. You fill yourself with joy and pleasure—the feel-good stuff that spreads to everyone else in your orbit. (And makes them say: “I’ll have what she’s having.”)I want you to commit to all-out living instead of give-all living. I’ll partner up with you to develop strategies for putting your happiness first, so you can start serving the world from a place of love and fulfillment.

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life-designThese workshops are designed for all those go-getting women out there who are ready to define success in their own terms. They’re tired of being underwhelmed with life (and overwhelmed with work). And they could also use a little advice on how to speak up with conviction and class.I help modern professional women master the simple trick to getting noticed: Unwavering self-confidence. When you’ve got it, you’re unstoppable. You walk with a little extra va-va-voom in your step. And you finally have the power to cultivate the life you want.Book me for one of my fun, interactive workshops and I’ll give your group of ladies that loving push in the right direction. They’ll walk away with an immediate plan of action that touches on mindset, mindfulness and manifestation. And the guidance they need to start living LARGE.

Get the Deets>>

activateLooking for a little guidance in your life, career or relationship? Wishing there was an easier way to know if you’re headed in the right direction, instead of just relying on a hunch or “feeling”?
Then a rut-breaking, focus-sharpening (and dare I say goosebump-inducing) Akashic Record Reading will give you the kind of spot-on insights you need to leapfrog over the confusion that has got you firmly planted with two feet!

Let me help you tap into the cosmic cues to get clear on where you’re at now and what the future points to, so you can start trusting your next step, ride your path’s natural flow, and stay on purpose in every corner of your life.

Arrive to a Life of Limitless Ease and Possibility >>