My Personal Growth Accelerators
My journey as an entrepreneur has been packed with freedom, adventure, excitement and loads of peek-a-boo moments into who I truly am without an organization’s brand or vision to lean on (eek!). As a teenager, my parents exposed me to many personal development gurus including Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, and so I was very humbled to learn that I still had (many) blind spots and places to grow. And so being me (a.k.a addicted to personal growth), I dug up as many tools as I could to uncover those blind spots and help me become the most expanded version of myself – so that I can help others do the same.
Below are a few of the most valuable resources I have come across, because they blend theory into actual practice, which leads to real results.
Inspirational Videos
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are
The Skill of Self Confidence: Dr. Ivan Joseph at TEDxRyersonU
Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
Thandie Newton: Embracing otherness, embracing myself