What Do You Do When Procrastination Rears its Ugly Head?

October-02-2013 0 comments

Keep_calm_slow_downOk. I might be going out on a limb here and trying to make myself feel better, but I have a theory: procrastination is feedback for us to slow down, re-prioritize and reframe what being productive really means.

I am in the process of redesigning my website, writing a book, creating some new and exciting coaching programs and the whole bit. This past week, I was less productive than I would have liked to be. I know this because I just looked at what needs to be done this week and the same tasks are on the list! Oops!

Do you ever have weeks like this?  Weeks where you just can’t seem to put a dent in your ever-growing to-do list?  Where you feel ‘busy’ but have no idea what you have been filling your time with?

Well here’s my first tip for when that happens.  PAUSE.  Instead of automatically re-writing your list, PAUSE and ask yourself: What is really going on?

In this pause, I realized it was not procrastination after all.  Instead, there were more important things to do last week.  I spent my time coaching, connecting with friends and family after a few weeks away, attending an amazing Tony Robbins seminar, re-thinking my business model and redesigning this next phase of my life and business.  Quite productive if you ask me!

The key is to be conscious and re-prioritize your list daily so that you don’t go into automatic blame mode – we are too quick to do that to ourselves!

Pausing allows you to reframe how you actually are being productive and let’s you fill your day (and list) with what really matters.

Your mission this week: 1. Slow down. 2. Re-prioritize. 3. Reframe productivity. Create your list from a place of ‘what do I want to get done’ instead of ‘what should I get done’. And while I know you are responsible for your output, avoid being hard on yourself when things don’t look the way they ‘should’. Instead, at the end of each day, ask yourself: What DID I get done? Who DID I meet up with? What AM I proud of?

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Seema Sodha

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