If you’re craving

more confidence, more energy in your days and more permission to follow your wild heart, you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Seema.

As a Leadership & Executive Coach and Heart-centred Facilitator, I am here to guide you on the journey of unravelling the beliefs, narratives and limiting patterns that are suffocating your joy and stiffening your sacred heart. The outcome? Liberation. Isn’t that enough?

Deep inside, I know that the masculine, linear models of working hard and driving forward that you’ve been living and leading from are past their expiration date. Continuing to push through your exhaustion, ignoring your natural cycles and silencing your truth in favour of the collective norm is slicing the fulfillment and prosperity out of your life.

In my role as a professionally trained Coach, global facilitator, spiritual guide and circle holder, over the last 9 years I’ve supported thousands of ambitious, sensitive and visionary leaders all the way from Canada to Taiwan author a new narrative that puts thriving back on their agenda. The result? More fulfillment, effectiveness and positive impact.

As a high-achiever, I bet on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you’ve got all the boxes of success checked off. You are the one people depend on for getting things done. You are the one who will put in the extra hours to get that presentation looking just right. You wake up early just to make sure you’ve scanned the latest leadership trends just in case someone needs some advice from you.

You’ve got SO much to be excited for. Accomplishments to be proud of. Not to mention, talent coming out your ears. Yes. Your ambition is worth celebrating.

But lately, there is a tug at your heart…

like something’s missing?

This life that you (admittedly) savor should be enough, but it’s like your creativity pipes are clogged. You feel disconnected from that radiant woman that hides under her to-do list. And that passion board on your wall is starting to look a little…dusty.

I've been there.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’d give anything to just feel that wild jolt of aliveness. That loving pulse of connectivity. That unexpected vibration of limitless possibilities. That luscious ease of being in your soul groove. 

And maybe that insatiable longing for more has you playing hide ‘n’ seek with spirituality (you might even feel weird calling it that). Maybe you’ve been living out of self-help books and looking to big name “gurus” for the answers, or simply following the crumbs of your curiosity, hoping you stumble upon some wisdom along the way.

The only problem is:

All you’ve really come across is more

quantum-deep questions, like…

Why can’t I seem to close that gap between where I’m at now in life, love and work…and where I want to be?
Why is it nearly impossible for me to feel fully present on my Zoom coffee dates with friends or intensive mind-melds with clients?
Why can’t I muster up the motivation to put my humanity-serving business ideas into motion, champion the causes I’m inspired by, or book that long-awaited week off just to BE?
And why (oh why) can’t I figure out out what I’m really here on this big, bright Universe to do?

I'll tell you why:

Because you’re in the midst of a soul growth spurt!

All of that confusion and restless rattling in your head is a sign that you’re trying to expand into your highest potential. And that’s a good thing.

It’s your intuition speaking up, telling you that you’re ready to stretch deeper into self-actualization. Peel back those layers of logic that are weighing you down. Sink into a more mindful way of being, so you can start living in alignment with your soul purpose (even if you’re still on the path to discovering it).
It’s your heart shaking off the dust, telling you that you have full permission to want more. Inviting you to get high on the good stuff. Showing you how to move from scarce self-love into a place of abundant confidence, consciousness, clarity and connectedness.
It’s your courage upping the ante, telling you to break your self-defeatist patterns. Wishing you’d stop standing up your dates with destiny. Asking you to forget about what you “should” be doing and open your ears to those cosmic cues that’ll keep you in flow and help you attract everything your big heart desires.

Luckily, this is s where my gifts and strength come out to play.

If you’re ready to lead your life from the in-soul out and with intention, then I’m your go-to woman!

I’m Seema,

An experienced global trainer and professionally trained Leadership Coach who holds a B.Sc. in Psychology, CPCC certification from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and PCC credential with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

I’m here to give your heart and soul the air time they crave and your confidence a boost, so you can reveal the connected, fierce and compassionate parts of you. Just think of it as leading your life with integrity, authenticity and right from the centre of your genius.

I’ve also been called an intuition-powered guide who illuminates those gaps between dreaming and manifesting. And yes, even a cosmic conduit—the kind that knows how to ground spirituality with practicality.

My mission

is sublimely simple:

“To help you get one foot back into the land of being…and of being YOU…

so you can start living a life of exhilarating proportions. ”

Here's what 

that would look like:

Being able to slip into your divine feminine energy even after wearing your power pants all day long, so YOU can feel taken care of (for once).

Co-creating with your higher level of consciousness and marinating in a sharpened sense of who you are and why you’re here.

Taking time out to appreciate the simple and most intoxicating pleasures in life—just-washed bedsheets, fresh blooms on your windowsill, getting dressed up in your hot-to-trot little black dress for a night out on the town.

Shedding self-doubt and the rewriting the stories that are keeping you stuck, so you can start seeing yourself in an “anything’s possible” light.

Giving your soul just as much stimulation as your brain, whether that means creating a zen nook in your home, taking more walks through the park, napping (shamelessly, of course), or hosting pizza and wine nights with your girlfriends.

Pulling those stray thoughts together, setting clear intentions, and learning how to say “YES!” to desire—not obligation.

No longer using the state of “busy” to prove your worth to yourself, or anyone else

Becoming receptive to the synchronicities the universe floats your way and watching doors fly open at every turn, instead of trying to do everything “the hard way”.

Becoming a manifestation machine by learning how to turn visualization into action. (And getting more done by understanding that sometimes, you just need to watch an episode of Reign before diving into your to-do list and cracking open her laptop.)

Cracking open that can of courage and taking more risks—whether that means training for a triathlon, self-publishing that self help book, asking that tall-dark-and-handsome barista on a date, or rockin’ the stage at your first conference.

Thinking about how you want to feel in being, not what you’ll get from doing.

I know that these kind of

life-altering a-has are possible for you, because this is exactly the change 

I’ve been able to create by tapping into an abundance mindset.

“Since experiencing coaching first hand my friends and family have noticed positive changes in me. I am noticing them too; I am so much more of a pleasure to be around, enjoying the simple pleasures in life and savoring and living life moment to moment. This has made me a better daughter, sister and friend. Professionally I am extremely passionate about what I do, I know my purpose and am good at it. My co-workers also comment on the positive changes that have taken place for me. Overall I view the glass as being half full instead of empty, counting my blessings and being grateful for what I do have and noticing and enjoying this! :) Every so often I find myself just smiling at how very far I have come.”

Sabeena, HR Consultant

Who I am at first glance:

I’m a Canadian woman of East Indian descent, who fell in love with (and married) a Dutch man and currently live in the Netherlands #diversity
I’m obsessed with dark chocolate, espresso macchiato’s (with oat milk), oracle cards
Meditation, morning pages and writing in a gratitude journal are three of my essential daily practices.
I’m the queen of hosting wood oven pizza party’s – napoletana style
Fashion is my not-so-secret addiction, a throwback to my days as a Stella & Dot stylist.
I have a dream of one day being a sultry jazz bar singer, and I’m even taking vocal lessons to perfect my pipes.

And my story?

Well, it goes a little something like this:

In junior high and high school, I struggled to fit in with the “cool girls”. I knew I wanted something outside the status quo, but I didn’t always trust that feeling. So I shoved it beneath the surface and stayed the outsider.

Growing up managing a family business and spending 10+ years in the healthcare industry, my creativity began to feel cramped inside the scientific box. I was tired of calling my left-side brain home. (Hey, when your entire family is in pharmaceuticals, it’s hard not to.) and then came corporate.

I was a climb-the-ladder woman who could run with the practical-to-the-bone types, but what did I love most? Colouring outside the lines. I took risks that paid off ten-fold.

I started getting impressed glances from my managers. And that’s when I thought: Hey, I’m onto something here! I wanted more of THAT, so I left to figure out what was still missing from my life.

You see, for a long time, I hid behind my accomplishments and rational thinking because I assumed that was what it took to be successful. I (mistakenly) believed that my ambition could never co-exist with calm, ease or cosmic experiences.

Even though I was the picture of success, inside, my soul was begging for me to dip my toe into the deep end of self-awareness and make the ripples in the world I knew I was meant to.

It wasn’t until I finally reawakened the right-brained rebel inside me, tackled “the big stuff” and waded out into the seas of spirituality that I truly started thriving.

Only THEN was I able to create a launchpad for a business and life I love, where luxuriating in long baths and unplugging wasn’t just reserved for weekends.

And I learned something else too: That being resourceful isn’t just about finding ways to get stuff done. It’s about utilizing all of our assets and all of our intelligences of being to ensure the journey from point A to point B feels good to us. It’s about owning our gifts, so we can create the change and impact we were always meant to.

Because that’s when the universe gets on our side and synchronicities fall into our lap. That’s when we start syncing up with our highest potential and start investing in self-belief—the only currency that matters. And that’s when the going gets easy, and life gets all kinds of bigger and brighter.

Wanna know what that feels like?

If you’re ready to do this, then give yourself a little gratitude hug.

For committing. For believing in what you’re truly capable of. I can’t wait to see your powers reach peak velocity, while I’m strapped in right next to you.

Before we get started, imagine where you’d go if anywhere was an option.

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