You’re here because something isn’t flowing in your life.
You’ve been dragging your feet through decisions. Second-guessing your instincts. Wondering what’s standing in the way of what you want to achieve (or trying to figure out what it even is that you want to achieve). And while you’ve felt the desire to go deeper and explore the root of it all, you’ve got no clue exactly how to do that. What’s worse is that you don’t trust yourself to “figure it out”, so you’re still searching for answers, and wasting a lot of time and money doing it. (And no. Yoga class, going pin-crazy with motivational quotes and burning through self-help books hasn’t clarified a thing.)
Here’s the good news, my friend: There’s nothing wrong with you!
These are all signs that you’re likely in the midst of a soul awakening. And that means you’re on the verge of BIG expansion. It may not feel like it, but trust me when I say that one day you will thank this moment.
Of course…you still need a way of clearing the fog and seeing the path ahead to step forward with clarity and confidence. I get that. And this is where I come in.
As a Leadership Consultant, Executive Coach & highly intuitive Spiritual Guide, with me, you get the best of both worlds. Not only do I bring modern coaching methods and principles of neuroscience to support your growth, but I can tap into the Akashic field to act as a messenger and align you with ancient wisdom from your ‘guides’ (yes, you have ‘em!).
That means you’ll immediately gain access to cosmic insights that’ll help you:
- Get really clear on who you are, what you’re meant to be doing with your life, and why it matters to you on a soul level (hint: your “calling” isn’t as elusive as you may think)
- Live with intention and plant one foot in the land of “being”, so you can make more time for what feeds your soul—whether that’s curling up with a good book or hosting more Parisian-style garden parties
- Find a sense of personal empowerment through expanded self-awareness
- Jump on those opportunities you weren’t sure about before by getting the confirmation you needed
- Make those tough decisions and life transitions that have been sitting on the backburner
Looking for a quick 45-minute discovery session that’ll clarify what you’re meant to be doing with your life? Pondering a career change, relationship status or a big life transition?
With an Akashic reading, your soul guides will peel back the layers to show me what your innate soul gifts and strengths are, how you can tap into them, and what relationship and career choices will align with your life trajectory. Get a wink from the cosmos. Sessions are 45 minutes.
Looking for a laser-focused 75-minute discovery session that’ll clarify your business vision and break open doors of opportunity that could lead to greater impact and profits?
With an Akashic reading, you can pinpoint the business direction that aligns with your soul and clarify the “why” behind your pursuits of passion. I’ll help you connect the dots between what you love to do and what you’re best at. Then together, we’ll examine what shifts are needed to help you reach the Mount Everest of achievements and fulfill your purpose. Sessions are 75 minutes.
Looking for a little guidance in your life, career or relationships? Wishing there was an easier way to know if you’re headed in the right direction, instead of just relying on a hunch or “feeling”?
Then a rut-breaking, focus-sharpening (and dare I say goosebump-inducing) Akashic Record Reading will give you the kind of spot-on insights you need to leapfrog over the confusion that has got you firmly planted with two feet!
Let me help you tap into the cosmic cues to get clear on where you’re at now and what future paths await you, so you can start trusting your next step, ride your path’s natural flow, and stay on purpose in every corner of your life. Sessions are 60 minutes.
Are perfectionism, inner mean girls, people-pleasing and a murky mindset weighing you down? Break out of a soul rut with style and swagger!
My unique approach integrates wisdom from the Akashic realm with action and goal-oriented methods from coaching. The Akashic realm gives you spot-on insights and cosmic guidance that’ll accelerate your self-growth and clear your life path of any confusion or obstacles. The modern coaching methods and tools help you apply these insights, take inspired action and reach your goals.
Discover how you can break your self-defeatist patterns, so you can open yourself up to new opportunities. Let your soul dance to your intuition’s playlist and stop worrying about your “next step”. Simply by tapping into your life energy, I’ll show you how to kick your manifestation mojo into high gear and become a magnet for everything you desire. Includes ten 45-minute sessions spread over five months.