There’s no denying you’re one heck of a leading lady—ambitious, smart and crazy talented.


You’ve got a swoon-worthy job that you rock at. And you know it, too.

So even if you do spend your days slogging through a crammed inbox, throwing back lattes while you dash to and from impromptu meetings, and (let’s be honest)—superglued to your phone—you feel grateful for all this wild success you’ve worked so hard to attain.

But there’s just one little problem:

You still feel like something’s missing in your life. Your soul feels a little out of breath. Your heart feels a little lost. And there’s this deep, pulsating desire for MORE…

Than the fancy accolades plastered to your walls.

Than your endless eat-sleep-work cycle.

Than your 9-5 (or maybe more accurately, 5-9) routine.

I get it, because I’ve been there.

In that place where every day feels like the one before.

When even after conquering an assembly line of to-dos, you collapse into bed at night, feeling like you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing.

And despite a crammed calendar, there’s a pocket of emptiness you just can’t seem to fill, no matter how much more you plop on your plate.

That’s why I created Thrive on the Go.

This 10-week interactive, virtual group coaching program which runs from May 1st – July 3rd is for career-driven women who are stuck in this soul-draining cycle of stress, busy-ness and overwhelm.

For women who have found themselves racing from milestone to milestone, wondering “will this ever stop?!” And like there’s supposed to be something MORE to this thing called a life.

For those who are ready to take big, brazen leaps towards those dreams that have been collecting dust on the shelf—so they’ll never, ever again use “when I have time” as an excuse for putting themselves last.

For those who want to give their slip-sliding health, relationships, and spiritual well-being a total reboot…before it’s too late.

Ladies, it’s time to switch off autopilot.

To bridge that gap between “doing” and “being”.

To say “no” when your intuition screams it, and “yes” only when it feels deliciously sweet.

To tune out your inner critic. And actually trust yourself to make the right call.

Consider this your permission slip—or rather, your invitation—to set your gifts free, nourish yourself, and finally step into your truest powers.


  • Secretly yearning for more, but feeling guilty or confused about it because you already have a “full” if not fulfilling life.

  • Struggling to be assertive with work colleagues, your family and friends—and wishing you could learn to speak up in a way that’s honest and respectful.

  • Feeling your freedom fade because you’ve been clogging ¾ of your calendar with the expectations of others and losing control over your already limited time.

  • Exhausted trying to keep tempo with your busy lifestyle, but you dare not pause to take a breath, or your energy will just nosedive quicker.

  • Feeling lost or stuck, like you know you’ve got greater potential and inner gifts that are lying dormant—you just don’t know how to tap into them.

  • A little out of touch with yourself, like you’re not quite sure why you’re following a particular path in life, or where you’re even headed.

  • Breaking your promise to yourself that you’ll take time off, which just makes you feel like you’re lazy, undisciplined or lacking commitment (when really, you’re anything but).

…all of those thoughts that have been playing in your head like a broken record are just your soul’s way of telling you that it’s time for a change.

And that’s because lasting fulfillment isn’t found in chasing your goals, or winning that promotion you’ve had in your sights for years, or constantly asking yourself: “What’s next?” (Like I know you do.)

It’s found in the silky bliss of those here-and-now moments when you give yourself permission to just be.

And if one thing’s for sure: This is the part we do-all business ladies need to get better at—pushing the pause button on the achievement treadmill.

“I am so much more of a pleasure to be around, enjoying the simple pleasures in life and savoring and living life moment to moment. This has made me a better daughter, sister and friend. Professionally, I am extremely passionate about what I do, I know my purpose and am good at it. My co-workers also comment on the positive changes that have taken place for me. Overall, I view the glass as being half full instead of empty, counting my blessings and being grateful for what I do have and noticing and enjoying this! Every so often I find myself just smiling at how very far I have come.”

Sabeena, HR Consultant

  • You finally put yourself first (and will continue to do so)—something you forgot to do over the years as your responsibilities piled up and “busy” became the status quo.

  • You’ll be more productive in your daily roles—because believe it or not, taking time to recharge and practice mindfulness exercises sharpens your emotional intelligence, which then enhances your ability to complete tasks and build better relationships with colleagues and customers.

  • You’ll (finally) get clear on what needs to change—so you can chart your own path, learn how to be self-confident and assertive, and never again feel icky about saying “no” to the time-sucks that don’t light you up.

  • You’ll lock onto your TRUE gifts—and own them with head-turning confidence, so you can hop off the hamster wheel of life and start making the impact you were always meant to.

  • You’ll take inspired action—with bite-sized homework, 8 live coaching calls, and 2 implementation weeks (not to mention having me and a slew of other fired-up ladies rooting in your corner).

  • You’ll be part of a community—alongside other women just like you, who can relate to your experiences, and who will lift you up with limitless love that’s free of judgment (so you no longer have to feel like you’re doing this alone).

  • You’ll release the fears that have been holding you back—which will free you up to make BIG things happen in your life, career and relationships.

  • You’ll become a better leader in your work and in your life—because the happier and more passion-aligned that you are, the more people will naturally feel drawn to you and inspired by you.

  • You’ll OWN it—everything from the courage to be your bare-souled self, to the passions that tug at your heart, to an integrated way of being that fills you to the brim with joy and confidence in ALL facets of your life.

  • You’ll have me, every step of the way—to give you the confidence, strategies and guidance that you need to seek (and find!) your highest potential.

  • 8 live 60-minute coaching calls with moi and your fellow Thrive classmates every Thursday at 7 pm EST, where we’ll get down ‘n’ dirty with mindfulness, mastering self-limiting beliefs, carving out more “you time”, thriving in your personal AND professional life, and contributing in even bigger ways to your work and relationships—without zapping your energy. (Warning: Giggle fests are inevitable.)

  • Recordings of all our calls, so even if you can’t make it for the live session (because hey, life happens), you’ll still be able to listen to that week’s training call at a time that’s more convenient for you.

  • Two implementation weeks, because busy bee that you are, you need a little time to digest all that explosive new knowledge and put it into action!

  • Exclusive access to an intimate, private Facebook community that’s sparkling with vibrant ladies who are here to inspire you to shuck the status quo and blaze your own trail, so you can finally find that place of inner peace that you always felt was out of reach.

  • Lifetime access to all of the course materials including recordings of all our live calls, soul-igniting visualization exercises, manifestation challenges, and easy-to-grasp action worksheets that you’ll be able to refer to again and again whenever you hit a mind-block.

  • BONUS #1: A 60-minute one-on-one coaching phone or Skype call with me—where we’ll focus on particular challenges that are coming up for you, so you’ll get the most out of the program and continue to have those big breakthrough moments.

  • BONUS #2: A special 60-minute Akashic Reading—a fast and furious spiritual awakening for your soul where I’ll help you channel the unique gifts you were born to wield, align with the path you were meant to walk, and access the answers you need to actualize your role in this big ol’ universe (no more guesswork!).

“I have been able to look at a lot of challenges and bumps in life from a wiser perspective and act from that place of power, which you have helped me to reclaim. What I liked best is that you enabled me to tap into my intuition and higher wisdom. You have very creative ideas for tapping into that space. You’re also are very good at acknowledging milestones which we tend to minimize compared to the demands we place on ourselves.”

Izabela, Sustainability Consultant, Toronto



And all of this is yours for just $498!

paid in 2 monthly installments of $249

Registration opens April 14th at 10 am ESTand closes April 25th at midnight EST

This is the last time I’ll be offering Thrive On The Go live this year. So if you want in, don’t let this be another thing you “put off”.

Prowling LinkedIn for personal development articles or sharing inspirational quotes on Facebook is great motivational fuel, but you and I both know that the only way you’ll ever get anywhere is if you actually hop into the driver’s seat and put your foot on the gas pedal.



Hi! I’m Seema Sodha—your very own Change Agent, Life Liberator, Confidence Crusader and kick-in-the-pants (because let’s face it, sometimes you need that).

I roll with straight talk and big heart to help modern business women like you recognize what they want, go after it, and turn their lives into the 5-star productions they were meant to be.

I’ve got my B.Sc. in Psychology, certification as a Professional Co-Active Coach through the Coaches Training Institute, and ACC designation with the International Coach Federation. I’m also a coach trainer for CTI for North America and have delivered oodles of workshops on leadership, confidence and personal branding.

Like you, I used to be a climb-the-ladder woman.

seemI was all about taking on new projects, blowing my targets out of the water, thinking of creative ways to “wow” my bosses and clients. (Read: Spending my evenings chained to my laptop and answering emails at ungodly hours.)

Sure, sometimes I snuck out for dinners with my friends. Or squeezed in a workout at the gym if it was a quiet day. And if things were really good, I might even get a spare hour to watch Grey’s Anatomy or Private Practice with a glass of Valpolicella Ripasso. (Okay, I made time for that.)

So finding “me-time” in my daily routine? Pretty much impossible.

Sure, sometimes I snuck out for dinners with my friends. Or squeezed in a workout at the gym if it was a quiet day. And if things were really good, I might even get a spare hour to watch Grey’s Anatomy or Private Practice with a glass of Valpolicella Ripasso. (Okay, I made time for that.)

But here’s what I learned (and what you will too): You don’t have to give up your go-getting ways to live the soul-nourishing life you’ve always wanted for yourself.

You can be brilliant beyond belief at what you do, grow and stretch in all kinds of ways professionally, and still carve out time in your day to let your hair down and LIVE a little. (Long nature walks, anyone?)

You can say “no” with Audrey Hepburn’s signature class, and strut away from those extra hours, projects and to-dos that creep onto your desk without feeling like a grade-A cop out.

You can be totally in control of the decisions you make, instead of letting your fears and self-doubts knock you around like a pinball.

You can even stay curled up under your duvet a little longer in the AM or take an extended lunch break with the girls at your favourite cafe—without your world falling apart. (Swear on my Marlies Dekkers collection!)

Because after working with hundreds of on-the-go professional women, here’s what I’ve noticed that we all seem to have in common:

Too often, we skip self-reflection and start chasing our next big thing, without really understanding why.

We lack a big picture vision of what we want our lives to look like, and don’t see clearly where our goals fit into the grand scheme of things.

Worst of all: We give up that freedom we relished as kids—when the idea of “want” overruled “should”.

I’ve designed this life-shakin’ program by blending coaching strategies that have helped my private clients get results with seminars I’ve taken, books I’ve read, colleagues I’ve collaborated with—the crème de la crème of everything I’ve learned to date—and broken it down into simple, bite-sized chunks that won’t eat up too much of your time. (Because I know you’ve already got enough on your plate.)

And unlike a lot of virtual coaching programs out there, this one is about so much more than just digesting information on your couch—it’s about taking grounded action, so you get life-changing results that actually last.

“I now have confidence, direction and strategies to draw on, and they’re natural because we tried them on and I know they work! Seema, you have a special gift to feel what’s going on with a person, and instantaneously go deeper and offer insights. I recommend you because of your deep level of understanding of life and its challenges, and because of your ability to instantly provide accurate and relevant insights.”

Jackie, Endocrine Specialty, Pharmaceutical Sales

calendarWeek 1 – FIND YOUR FLOW – May 1st

We’ll be busting those elusive balance myths that are killing your momentum and begin mapping out the steps you need to take to create the off-the-charts life you’ve always dreamed of.

  • Get to the bottom of how your unconscious habits are really running the show, even if you don’t realize it

  • Learn how to get out of the “doing” mentality, so you can take time to pause, reflect, and design your life to feel the way you’ve always wanted

  • Create your very own “Soul Manifesto” to tap into your inner strengths and passions, and set them ablaze

calendarWeek 2 – DISCOVER YOUR SOULPRINT – May 8th

From connecting to your present self and digging into the defeatist mentality and fears that have prevented you from achieving your goals in the past, we’ll be setting the stage for a bigger, brighter future that feels just as good on the inside as it looks on the outside.

  • Explore the different building blocks of your identity and gain perspective on what this means  for your life path

  • Figure out what your blind spots are and learn how they’re impacting your daily choices (in ways you’d never imagine!)

  • Complete the “Wheel of Life” exercise to get a clearer understanding of where you are now, what areas of your life matter most to you, and what needs to change to make sure you’re prioritizing them

calendarWeek 3 – REVISIT YOUR PASSIONS – May 15th

Become open-eyed and open-hearted to the personal goals you’ve been neglecting, reconnect to what lights you up the most, and feel inspired about where your life is headed again!

  • Learn the science behind visualization and practice proven techniques for creating a life that’s designed by you

  • Reinvent your future to be passion-filled—and learn how to crowd out what’s not bringing you the joy and fulfillment you deserve

  • Create your own online “Vision Board” for daily inspiration, and to act as a springboard for unstoppable action as you progress through the program

calendarWeek 4 – CREATE YOUR LIFE MAP – May 22nd

Taking grounded action is all about having the right mindset.  To live a life rooted in authenticity, you’ll declare your intentions and tune into what turns your soul on, so you can start making your impact on the world.

  • Learn how to use proven psychological strategies and mindset techniques to act with head-turning confidence

  • Discover your “soul sweet spot” and understand your “why” for doing what you do, so you’re not just clearer on the direction you’re going, but why you’re headed that way

  • Use the “Life Adventure Map” exercise to figure out your plan of action and take your first major step, so you can start creating success on your own terms

calendarWeek 5 – LEAP INTO LEARNING – May 29th

You’ll hop on a live call with me for your 1-on-1 coaching session, so we can get to the bottom of your biggest hold-ups and pave the way for gusty, passion-fuelled action. No live group call this week.

calendarWeek 6 – FACE THE FEAR BULLY – June 5th

When your head is full of fears, it’s impossible to find the space in there for your big dreams. We’ll make sure you never, ever again let self-doubt define your choices or get in the way of your momentum. So that moving forward, you’re feeding your hopes—not your fears.

  • Create a fool-proof escape plan for dodging the mean girl bullet that always stops your confidence in its tracks

  • Learn to start putting a little faith in your intuition, so you can start living life on your own terms instead of everyone else’s

  • Use the “Confidence Crusader” worksheet to tap into your superhero powers in a snap and access helpful resources you didn’t even know you had

calendarWeek 7 – CHOOSE TO SAY ‘YES’ – June 12th

Now it’s all about pulling on our accountability pants and making conscious choices that represent who you want to be and how you want to live your life.  So everything that’s on your plate? Is something you put there to feed your soul.

  • Master a simple technique that’ll help you keep your cool and regain your sense of control, even when “it” hits the fan

  • The ONE common mistake that keeps you from expressing your needs, desires and opinions to others

  • Learn the art of saying no, and why people will actually respect you more for setting firm boundaries and having clear expectations

calendarWeek 8 – MINDFULNESS IN ACTION – June 19th

When it comes to standing up for what you’re passionate about and finding time for YOU in your busy schedule, mindset plays a big role in building positive new habits that’ll give you that soul-lift you’ve been aching for.

  • The ONE common mistake we make that drowns our self-esteem, and what you can do to breathe life back into your confidence levels

  • Learn scientifically proven methods for going from mind full to mindful, and start forming new habits that will help you get the most out of life

  • Master simple mindfulness techniques in minutes, so you can shake off that extra weight on your shoulders and strut through life, chin-up

calendarWeek 9 – LEAP INTO MOTION – June 26th

This week is all about putting everything you’ve learned so far into massive action. You’ll have a full, soul-charged week of risk taking and confidence flying!  No live group call this week.

calendarWeek 10 – MAKE THOSE CHANGES STICK – July 3rd

Celebrate your strides and reflect on what really worked for you during the entire stretch of the program, so you can stay in the driver’s seat of your life and keep chasing those bright horizons you mapped out at the start.

  • Integrate what you’ve learned and create an easy-to-follow structure for sticky, life-long results

  • Identity “what’s next” to find the fulfillment you’ve been missing, so you have the support system you need in place to succeed

  • Create a tool unique to YOU to keep your momentum going and stay on track with your personal goals

“I have used Seema’s coaching services to guide me through career changes and development. She was instrumental in providing perspective and working together to create and implement a concrete plan of action to achieve the desired outcome. Through my work with Seema, I have developed skills that I now apply in all aspects of my life. I approach and solve challenges with increased clarity and confidence and have as a result achieved goals and fulfillment in both my personal and professional life. Thanks Seema!!”

Anita Schneider, Oncology Therapeutic Specialist



JUST $498

paid in 2 monthly installments of $249



Registration is opens April 14th at 10 am EST and closes April 25th at midnight EST

I know this is more expensive than your morning cup of coffee. But bottom line is: You’ve got to start investing in YOURSELF if you want to start seeing the changes that you seek.

And for those of you who have worked with me in the past or have been on my list, you know this is probably the smallest investment you’ll ever have to make to receive life coaching.

You deserve this opportunity to get the answers to your toughest questions, learn how to immerse yourself in self-love, and have a little breathing space to get clear on your gifts and soul path.

This is YOUR time to put your happiness first. And now, you have a chance to learn about yourself and grow in BIG ways alongside a community of loving, unstoppable women who will be there to support you every step of the way.

After all, group coaching gives you an awesome chance to benefit from the collective, collaborative energy of the group while still reaping the rewards of 1-on-1 coaching—without the high price tag.

“When I look back over the last year, I see how instrumental this coaching was in recreating my present and future self and the life that I want to live. People have noticed a difference in me and I have noticed a transformation in the way I think and see myself. I finally feel noticed and less invisible. I truly know my authentic self and she is beautiful! I am so incredibly grateful that you were there at the right time with the right skills to provide the right guidance. The lives you will touch from now on will feel the benefits that I have – it really does transform you.”

Sarah Dickson, Sales Representative for the Healthcare Industry



These FAQs should help clear the air.

No problem! All live calls will be recorded and you’ll receive a link to download them every Thursday, so you can listen to them at your convenience. BUT, I’d challenge you to make time in your day for these calls if you want to get the most out of the program. After all, this is what it’s all about—making a commitment to make yourself a priority!

You’ll make your first payment of $249 to hold your spot and receive a registration welcome email and video right away, which will include some fun and easy prep materials for our first live call. You’ll also be directed to our private Facebook group, so you can request an invite and join our soul-centered community of like-minded ladies!

I’ve made the payment structure easy as pie for you! The first payment of $249 is due when you register to hold your spot. The second and final payment of $249 will come out 30 days later.

If you decide partway through the program that it’s not right for you or you aren’t getting the results you want, I’m happy to refund what you’ve paid to date if you’ve done all the homework and attended the live calls. Please note though that if you drop out of the program, you’ll no longer have access to the course materials or live calls that are released after your quit date.

The more balanced you are in life, the healthier and happier you are. That means you’ll be more productive in the workplace, more effective communicating with your colleagues, and avoid burnout! Believe it or not, this kind of personal development is WORTH IT to your employer, so I’d highly encourage you to bring up these points if you’re requesting to be reimbursed. If you have further questions or would like a little extra support with this, please feel free to reach out to me! I’d be happy to help out any way I can.

I totally get why you don’t want to feel like someone is eavesdropping on you while you’re dishing intimate thoughts and feelings with the rest of us. I’d definitely encourage you to create a space that feels comfortable for you to speak openly and be fully present for our group calls, whether this means going for a walk while attending the call or going into a separate room and closing the door.

You’ll need about one hour for the weekly call and another hour to complete the activities and exercises that you’ll get in-between coaching sessions.

But really, what you put into this is what you’ll get out of it. The more time you take to journal and participate in the Facebook community, the more radical changes you’ll see.

You’re at an impasse. You’re seriously lacking focus. You’re stuck in a life that’s mediocre, and you know if you just had a little more clarity and purpose, you could be THAT much happier. (Pssst…you’re onto something.) You’ve got big dreams and personal goals on the backburner. You need someone to help you call out your blind spots and cut through the muck—to read between the lines. You want to reach for the stars, but you can’t do it alone. And really? You shouldn’t have to.

Think about it. Your favourite singer or star athlete? No matter how talented they are, they’ve got a coach in their corner to help them perform better and grow faster. If you want to reach your full potential and hone your gifts, so should you.

Coaching can help to speed up your personal growth and foster the self-confidence you need to take charge of your life. How? By providing you with some much-needed structure, guidance and accountability.

You’ll be encouraged to start looking in to get clear on what’s shakin’ in your outer universe. I’ll give you some kick-butt insight to get your mental wheels turning. Then together, we’ll splish-splash in your options and nail down how you can achieve your goals in superstar fashion.

It’s all about gaining clarity on what you really want and getting you there by calling out the self-limiting thought patterns and behaviours that are holding you back. You’ll learn how to engage your own strengths, and start to make purposeful decisions that actually support your big picture.

I’m so glad you asked! This is where all the magic happens. While our sessions will be hold-onto-your-hats powerful, those implementation breaks in-between give you the time and space you need to implement everything you’ve learned. And THIS is when you’ll start to see those results you’re after because you’ll be taking massive action with the private Facebook community to help hold you accountable.

You can book your 1-on-1 coaching session with me between weeks 4 and 6. I’ll be using TimeTrade to make it easy for you to schedule a slot of time that’s most convenient for you. Akashic Reading sessions can be booked any time after week 3 to the end of the course. You get to decide your ideal time based on when you think it would be most valuable to receive some soul-powered insights.

Women in particular have been shown to excel when they have the support of other female colleagues, so don’t underestimate the value of engaging in the Facebook community! Of course, participating in the group isn’t mandatory, but believe me—you’ll catapult your growth to all new highs if you actually connect with and support your fellow ladies. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.

YES! As a coach, I’m faithful to the guidelines of the ICF to keep all your personal info private. Our live calls are totally confidential and will only be shared with course participants. This will be discussed with everyone in detail on our first call.