For this weeks inspiration, I am going back to my roots – waaaaay back to the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 47 which states: “We have total control of our actions and no control of the fruit of our actions. So let go of the fruit – the outcomes – and BE fully present”.
Until this week, this concept sounded like a bad joke to me. In a world where we are rewarded and recognized for our achievements, how is it that you are supposed to go for your dreams and simultaneously remain unattached to the outcome?
After an 8-hour meditation workshop with Davidji this week, I think I finally cracked the code. It’s about having a vision and then surrendering. It’s about being present to what is currently happening in your life. It’s about trusting that things will work out as they are meant to. It’s about being open to the possibilities that you can’t see when you are so focused on a particular outcome. And of course, it’s about being less stressed out because you are not spending so much time trying to figure everything out!
Here’s an example. Have you ever tried to remember the name of a movie or actor, and the more you tried to remember it, the harder it got for you? Isn’t it annoying? Frustrating? And then of course, the minute you let it go and distract yourself with something else, the answer pops up? Same thing.
The bottom line is to stay focused on your dreams and remain unattached to the outcome.
Your mission this week: Dream up your best possible future, set your intentions, plant these intentions into the field of possibilities (aka, the universe) and then…let them go and watch as things unfold. This is the path to eternal bliss.
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Seema Sodha