The Power of Choosing to Begin Again

February-13-2018 0 comments

The Power of Choosing to Begin Again

It's so easy. It's easy to feel behind. It's easy to feel like you haven't done enough. #theresalwaysmore It's easy to assume all your biz buddies have their Q1 plans mapped out and are in full on implementation mode with their editorial calendars, their social media posts and their launch ...

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It’s never too late to create resolutions

February-09-2017 0 comments

It’s never too late to create resolutions

I can imagine how you're feeling. Last December (as in 2015, not the one that just passed), I sank into the plush sofa of our cute cottage rental in the Austrian alps feeling unprepared, behind, frustrated and disappointed. It was just a few days before the end of the year ...

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How To Break Free From Your To-Do List

October-16-2015 0 comments

How To Break Free From Your To-Do List

This morning I sat at my desk, ready to roll up my sleeves and dive into my emails, when the following words flashed into my head like a neon sign: LIFE IS NOT ABOUT GETTING THINGS DONE! Followed by: IT’S ABOUT ENJOYING IT. On one hand, I disagreed with the ...

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TMI Will Clog The Pipes

October-10-2014 4 comments

TMI Will Clog The Pipes

I have finally discovered the sense and sensibility for slow-to-start days, extra long morning coffee breaks and why sometimes I want to avoid my laptop like it’s a loaf of bread covered with fungus (yuck – had to throw that out the other day!). It came to me today when ...

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