How to rock the New Year (without making a single resolution)

January-02-2019 1 comments

How to rock the New Year (without making a single resolution)

[caption id="attachment_3176" align="alignleft" width="625"] Photo credit: Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash[/caption] Ah, New Years Resolutions. We make them. We break them. We feel guilty and grouchy when we forget about them. What’s worse? The traditional goal setting process doesn’t even set you up for success. According to Statistic Brain, only ...

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What Lies Beneath the Mic Drop Moment

December-18-2015 0 comments

What Lies Beneath the Mic Drop Moment

I was standing in front of my vocal teacher, readying myself for our warm up exercises. “You’re forgetting to take deep belly breaths,” she pointed out. I allowed my chest to expand, then started on our “ahhhhs”. “Your tongue is too tight. You need to loosen it up.” I coaxed ...

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How I made $1500 in 9 hours (and you can too)

December-12-2015 0 comments

How I made $1500 in 9 hours (and you can too)

I was flipping through E-Squared by Pam Grout, reading some notes in my journal, and creating my new program Tap into Flow when joy started bubbling up inside of me. Ever get that feeling, like you’re a balloon filling up with air, almost to the point of bursting? I don’t ...

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Go For Feeling Good, Not ‘Right’

May-26-2015 0 comments

Go For Feeling Good, Not 'Right'

Do what makes you feel good. Whether it’s Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer or Abraham Hicks, the messages I keep reading throughout the spirituality literature is to spend your time and energy on doing the things that make you feel good – or dare I say, amazing. NEVER have I read ...

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