Shall we start an Unbusy Movement?

April-05-2017 0 comments

Shall we start an Unbusy Movement?

In the last 48 hours, I've had 4 conversations about this crazy addiction our society has to being 'busy'...and how we're kinda done with it. Somehow 'busy' has made it's way into our lives as the cool thing to say. The way of being that defines our worthiness. The phrase ...

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How to find peace when you feel behind

February-13-2017 0 comments

How to find peace when you feel behind

Imagine this: You're standing in front of a huge vineyard. It's just after winter and as you take in the landscape, it seems quiet. The vines look husky, tranquil and quite frankly, dead. From the outside, it seems as if nothing is going on. But on the contrary, there's a ...

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It’s never too late to create resolutions

February-09-2017 0 comments

It’s never too late to create resolutions

I can imagine how you're feeling. Last December (as in 2015, not the one that just passed), I sank into the plush sofa of our cute cottage rental in the Austrian alps feeling unprepared, behind, frustrated and disappointed. It was just a few days before the end of the year ...

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Why feeling angry can help you find inner peace

December-12-2016 0 comments

Why feeling angry can help you find inner peace

Only five minutes on my Facebook feed and I feel like I'm a ping pong ball, bouncing back and forth between posts from Trump supporters and Trump haters. On one side, you've got a video clip from a woman angrily (passionately?) defending Trump and his past efforts to support immigrants. ...

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