You’ve got the power pants, high salary (muy cool) job and talent coming out your ears. But there’s still a pluck at your heart—like something’s missing.
Maybe you’ve been…
- Wading through self-help books, asking yourself: “Is this it?”—and waiting on a gasp of clarity to show you the way
- Stumbling around in the dark, continually second-guessing your decisions (and world-changing gifts)
- Always chasing your next big goal instead of pushing pause so you can take stock of how far you’ve already come and celebrate your day-to-day wins
- Dropping everything—even dinner plans you made a week in advance with your hunnie—because you’ve got things you “have” to do
- Making promises to yourself to hit up yoga class, eat more kale and schedule regular “ladies nights”—only to break them
- Incapable of being present-focused even when you DO log down-time with friends and fam, because your mind’s highway of thoughts just won’t let up
- Letting that intrusive email alert on your phone call the shots day-in and day-out (even if you were just about to slide under those freshly-washed bed sheets with your favourite book)
- Pining for self-affirmation—the kind that comes from spiritual delight and taking a deep-dive into your inner truth
Then I’ve got news for you, girl: When you’re chronically overworked, sleep-deprived, and too busy people-pleasin’ to notice—you do NOT pass GO. You do not collect your spiritual riches. And you most definitely do not live in alignment with your soul purpose.
You stay stuck in a defeatist mentality and never stop obsessing over the woulda-coulda-shouldas. Instead of truly OWNING your glittery gifts, you just duck and cover.
And your life? It’s meant to be much sweeter than that.
But here’s the good news: With a little eye-opening and soul-quenching, it can be.
I’m Seema Sodha—your very own Change Agent, Life Liberator, Confidence Crusader and kick-in-the-pants (because let’s face it, sometimes you need that).
I’m also 100% legit. I’ve got my B.Sc. in Psychology, certification as a Professional Co-Active Coach through the Coaches Training Institute, and ACC designation with the International Coach Federation. I’m also a coach trainer for CTI for North America and have participated in (and delivered!) oodles of training programs on leadership, confidence and personal branding.
I grew up managing a family business and spent 10+ years in the health care industry in management, sales and training. So coaching others? Kinda in my bones.
I was just like you once. In junior high and high school, I struggled to fit in. And when I was rockin’ the corporate world, I thought that to be accepted and valued, I’d have to be just like everyone else instead of being free to embrace my wacky bits. (WRONG.)
I practice what I preach. True confession: I’ve got my own coach. Because I know that the more I grow, the better I can serve you.
I’m a stylist for Stella and Dot on the side. I get all kinds of giddy when a woman feels so smokin’ hot on the outside, she starts shinin’ on the inside.
I believe that taking purposeful action is where it’s at. Because it’s not just about recognizing the need for change. It’s about making sure your actions are coming from an inspired place so you get sticky, life-changing results.
I don’t believe in coaching sessions. I believe in coaching relationships. That means you’ve got email access to me in-between our time together, I’ll send helpful articles (and sweet snail mail) your way to accelerate your learning, I’ll hop on the phone with you for that quick pick-me-up before a meeting, and you’ll get first dibs on seminars and workshops that enrich your learning experience. Because that’s how I roll.
I make one heck of a veggie lasagna. And you’ll never beat me at Taboo. (But you can certainly try. *wink*)
So I have just one thing to ask you: Are you ready to start living your life by your own rules—and not everyone else’s?